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Summer online crisis

Since January 2011, from the moment our server started working (still under the name, the same scenario repeats from year to year: online falls in summer. Players start to panic, we start to introduce various bonuses, and closer to autumn the situation will stabilize. Online falls for obvious reasons: vacations, summer cottages, vacations. Agree, in the most beautiful time of the year, you don't really want to stay at home.

Contrary to rumors, we are not planning to shut down the server or specific realms. We do our best to maintain a comfortable playing environment. Don't worry.

Other projects (and not only WoW) are also experiencing the consequences of the summer crisis. According to statistics, the fall online in the summer ranges from 20 to 50%. An illustrative example is online statistics on Lineage 2 servers (see Average peak online by months). For large servers with a couple of thousand online, the consequences are not so destructive. They still have the minimum of players that are necessary for a comfortable game. Unfortunately, in our country it becomes more difficult to play in the summer: less often the arena is cut, less often full BG is going, it takes longer to look for parties in the insta and other resulting problems.

The Burning Crusade has been around for many years. It so happened that the audience of Russian-speaking fans of this version has become small. Now all the hype is focused on European projects, where the vast majority of English-speaking players play. We remain the only BC server in the RU segment. In the future, we have plans to adapt the server for English-speaking players in order to create an English-Russian server that is comfortable for both. This is the only way to solve your online problems.

Well-known Russian-language projects (WoWCircle, Isengard, etc.) have been creating their 2.4.3 realms over the past few years, but soon they were closed, since from a commercial point of view it is not profitable. We are engaged in a server not for the sake of business, but for the sake of an idea. In addition to its responsibilities on the server, our administration also has the main job. Despite the fact that the project is something of a hobby for us, we try to take Moonwell seriously, as we feel a responsibility towards our players. For the ninth year, we have enjoyed and valuable experience from this process, and we are not planning to stop.

Thanks to all the players who support us throughout the life of the server with donations, thanks to which we can stay afloat and continue to develop the serverр.