Update list #32
Sunwell Plateau
- Sunblade Cabalist - stun immunity removed
- Sunblade Dusk Priest - stun immunity removed
- Sunblade Scout - added fear immunity
- Shadowsword Soulbinder - added summoned demons
- M'uru - slightly increased resistance to schools of magic
- localization у всех боссов
- Illidan Stormrage - added reputation for kill and missing phrase when moving to phase 4. All Shadow Demon not killed at the time of the raid capture in phase 4 will now disappear.
- Illidari Council - added reputation for killing
- High Warlord Naj'entus - added missing phrase
- Aqueous Spawn - reduced respawn time
- Aqueous Surger - improved AI
- Aqueous Lord - all summoned mobs will disappear in case of a wipe
- Coilskar Wrangler - the Leviathan pool to the left of the entrance will only bring 2 Coilskar Wrangler with it instead of 4
- Coilskar General - will now remove crowd control effects from allies less often
- Coilskar Harpooner - added a pack before High Warlord Naj'entus
- Dragonmaw Sky Stalker - fixed missing damage from Igniter Arrow effect
- Bonechewer Worker - added immunities
- Dragonmaw Wyrmcaller - added immunity to taunt, but removed to disarm
- Illidari Fearbringer - improved AI
- Ashtongue Battlelord - added reputation for killing, AI fixed
- Ashtongue Feral Spirit - added immunities and reputation for killing
- Ashtongue Stormcaller - added reputation for killing
- Ashtongue Primalist - added reputation for killing, improved AI
- Ashtongue Stalker - added reputation for killing
- Storm Fury - added reputation for killing
- Illidari Defiler - added stun immunity
- Shadowmoon War Hound - added reputation for killing
- Shadowmoon Fallen - added reputation for killing
- Shadowmoon Houndmaster - added in instance
- Shadowmoon Champion - AI fixed
- Shadowmoon Grunt - removed epic equipment from loot
- Bonechewer Behemoth - increased the number of received reputation, AI fixed
- Suffering Soul Fragment - added immunities
- Temple Concubine - added armor, reduced the amount of reputation received, improved AI
- Charming Courtesan - reduced the amount of reputation received
- Promenade Sentinel - added immunity to bleeding, increased the amount of reputation received
- Fixed the spawn point of players from the portal in human base
- The entrance to the base of orcs and elves is now closed by default
- Archimonde - localization
- Alliance Priest - added armor, weapon model, improved AI, localization
- Alliance Sorceress - added armor, AI fixed, localization, added missing spawn near Jaina
- Alliance Footman - added armor, improved AI, localization
- Alliance Knight - added armor, improved AI, localization
- Ghoul - fixed amount of HP replenished by cannibalism
- Abonumation - improved AI
- Lady Jaina Proudmoore - added armor, localization
- Horde Grunt - added armor, improved AI, localization, fixed attack animation
- Horde Headhunter - added armor, added weapon model, hp increased, AI fixed, localization
- Horde Witch Doctor - added armor, added weapon model, AI fixed, localization
- Horde Shaman - added armor, improved AI, localization
- Tauren Warrior - added armor, improved AI, localization
- Thrall - localization
- Tyrande Whisperwind - fixed spawn point, added mount
- Night Elf Archer - added weapon model
- Druid of the Talon - added weapon model
- Shadowy Necromancer - added armor
- Skeleton Mage - added AI
- Frost Wyrm - added immunities
- Fel Stalker - removed immunity to banish, improved AI
- Serpentshrine Lurker - reduced the frequency of using ability Rancid Mushroom Primer
- Greyheart Tidecaller - reduced the frequency of using ability Poison Shield
- Coilfang Hate-Screamer - added weapon model
- Vashj'ir Honor Guard - added phrase for enrage
- Underbog Colossus - improved AI
- Amani'shi Guardian - the first 2 door guards will no longer respawn after the boss Akil'zon dies
- Attumen the Huntsman - slightly increased the chance of a mount drop
- Tempest-Forge Destroyer near the elevator is no longer associated with the pack Mechanar Tinkerer, to which the skipped mob was added
- Shadowmoon Technician - AI fixed
- Henchman Valik - added armor, loot removed
- Empoor's Bodyguard - увеличено время респауна
- Frostmane Novice - improved AI, localization
- Frostmane Troll Whelp - localization
- Frostmane Headhunter - improved AI
- Frostmane Seer - improved AI, localization
- Frostmane Snowstrider - improved AI, added mount
- Frostmane Hideskinner - improved AI, localization
- Frostmane Shadowcaster - improved AI
- Haren Swifthoof - now moves with a group in a formation, unique loot is guaranteed
- Mo'grosh Brute - localization
- Mo'grosh Enforcer - AI fixed
- Mo'grosh Mystic - improved AI
- Mo'grosh Ogre - improved AI
- Mo'grosh Shaman - improved AI
- Luanga the Imprisoner - added AI
- Fen Creeper - removed extra aura
- Archonisus, the Final Gate - the possibility of passing this quest has been extended
- Idols of the Feralfen - increased number of idols in the world
- Bailor's Ore Shipment - quest item will no longer drop from mobs
- Dark Iron Legacy - quest giver will only be visible to dead players
- The Booterang: A Cure For The Common Worthless Peon - reduced the respawn time of the mobs needed for the quest
- Seek Redemption! - localization
- Mok'Nathal Shortribs - Peta can now be fed with this food. Fixed bug report #5601
- Fixed some texts on patrolmen in cities
- Solo 3x3 arena: Changed conditions for determining heal spec for paladids in 3x3 arena