Update list #56.2
General changes:
- If a warrior enters the arena, then the group leader is automatically transferred to him, if the leader is not another warrior.
- In heroic Black Temple and Hyjal, a special NPC has appeared to open key doors. In the Black Temple, the NPC is located near the doors leading to the 3rd floor to Mother Shahraz, and in Hyjal, near the Elves doors (at the beginning of the instance), which open path to Archimonde.
- On November 24rd, the Antique Key will become a personal item.
- On November 24rd, a bug with Morphing shirts will be fixed, where they did not become personal when equipped. All worn shirts will become personal, and those in the inventory will become BoE.
Badges of Justice (BOJ):
- Help: [Badge of Justice] (original) and [Badge of Justice] (analog) are two different items. Analogical BOJ can only be used to purchase equipment.
- We are planning to introduce profession reagents to sale for original BOJ. At the moment, players has a total of ~770,000 original BOJ, therefore, in order not to spoil server economy (due to farming and the sale of reagents), on November 24, all original BOJ stored by the players will be replaced with analogical.
- Added anti-multiboxing system against farming original BOJ. Suppose if there are 2 players or more with same IP in the raid, then only one of them will be able to take the original badge, all the others will loot analogical.
- Legendary weapons drop rate in normal raid modes is doubled.