Update list #89
- Fixed referral bonus levels gain.
- Boss Strawman disoriented with a 50% chance when hitting fire spells.
- Fixed counter in quests where the goal is to kill an NPC and loot an item.
- Fixed HP count and level of NPC Flesh Eating Worm, which is summoned by Rotted One.
General changes:
- Significantly increased the number of spawns of ore, herbs, fish, and other objects needed for professions.
- Mail sent by the GM and service mails can now not be accidentally returned by pressing the button in the mailbox.
Moonwell x100:
- Azerite Key and chest added to the donate shop.
Moonwell x5:
- Added loot to the Voting Chest.
- Spell CD after duel is now refreshing only in Duel Zone, which can be accessed through the portal in the center of Shattrath.
- Added Talent Book to the Innkeepers.
- Added Seal of Vengeance for Horde paladins and Seal of Blood for Alliance paladins. When you learn one seal, the second seal is also trained at once.