
We are always glad to help you! Please contact our GMs through our Discord server in channel #support if you have any questions or problems.
Please read the full list of frequently asked questions before contacting GM. It will help save your and our time. Thank you!
How do I contact GM?
Technical support for players is provided via Discord through ticket system. To create a ticket, connect to our Discord server, go to the #support channel, click on the
reaction with the envelope, then go to the new channel with the ticket and describe your problem.
How to report a player?
To report a player, create a new GM ticket via Discord and provide the following information:
Violator's nickname
- Violator's nickname
- Describe what happened
- Provide a screenshot of the violation
If the complaint relates to unfair distribution of loot in the raid, specify the raid CD number. You need to upload a screenshot where the violation and the output of the ".server info" command with the server time. Chat related violations are considered invalid one month after the violation.
Your screenshot may be shown to the violator as evidence of a violation, so if you want to remain anonymous, hide your nickname in the screenshot by visual editing.
The Game Master will inform you what actions are taken against the violator after your report is verified and approved.
Where can you complain about GM?
Contact the Head GM via Discord and explain the situation.
My account has been banned. Where to find reason? What can I do?
First of all, find out why your account has been blocked. Look up the number of the violated rule in the history of punishments at your Control Panel and read the relevant information on the
server rules page. You can request evidence and argumentation of your punishment from the GM who issued it If you do not agree with your punishment, by creating a new ticket for the GM
with Discord, indicating your nickname, game world, and the essence of the appeal. GM is obliged to provide evidence of your violation within 14 days of the blocking date.
In cases where evidence was not provided or you were not satisfied with it, then for further appeal, contact the Head GM with Discord.
How do I recover my lost login?
You can find out the account login if you have already entered the game on your computer. To do this, find the folder with the desired login along the path: "C:/Games/World of Warcraft/WTF/Account" (for example, C:/Games/World
of Warcraft/WTF/Account/YOUR_LOGIN).
You can also contact the server administration. Create new ticket in our Discord server using channel #support and
include following information:
- Ticket: forgot login
- The nickname of the main character listed within a forgotten account
- Realm name
- Approximate registration date
- Country and city of the last entry into the game
Please make sure you fill out the form correctly. Processing time can take up to several days.
How do I recover an email address linked to my account?
If you have forgotten what mail you registered your account with, create new ticket in our Discord server using channel
#support and include following information:
- Ticket: forgot email
- Your login
- Approximate registration date
After consideration, you will receive a mail associated with your account in the following format: warrior*****, were * - intentionally hidden characters for security purposes.
How do I recover the lost password to my account?
We store passwords only in encrypted form, so we cannot remind you in whole or partial from. You can recover the password by yourself in your Control panel if you have access to the email address you registered your account with.
How do I regain access if I don't have access to my account and email address?
First of all, please contact your mailbox registrar support to restore access to your email address (Google, Yahoo, etc.). You will get access to the mailbox if you provide a sufficient amount of data, and then you can change
the password to your account with the Control panel.
We can partially remind you of your email address that you do not remember with the mentioned above method. Access recovery requests have to be submitted if an email address has not been recalled, someone has changed your mail
address, or failed to get access with registrar support. You must provide as much information about your account as possible, which would help us make sure you are the real owner. To do this, create new ticket in our
Discord server using channel #support and include following information:
- Ticket: no access to account
- What is the reason for this request? (hacked, forgot data, etc.)
- Account login
- An email address to which the account is or was linked
- The nickname of the first created character on the account and the realm name
- Approximate date of account registration
- Last login date
- Country and city from which the account registered
- Country and city from which the account was the last logged in
- Indicate which players you have invited and who has been invited by you if you are a member of the referral system.
- Try to indicate the exact dates of payment when the balance of your account has been replenished at the Control panel.
- The new email address that will be linked to your account after recovery
- Any other information at your discretion (increases the chances of restoring access)
- Write the IP address from which you most often entered the game (most often this is your current IP address if you are playing at home).
Please make sure you fill out the access recovery request correctly. Processing time can take up to several days.
I have access to my account. How do I change my password/email address?