Update list #33
Sunwell Plateau
- Fixed patrol movement in front of Kalecgos
- Felmyst - now if raid wipes, skeletons will disappear over time
- Pathfinding disabled for several mobs approaching Eredar Twins to avoid getting stuck on stairs
- Sunblade Scout - search distance for nearest Sunblade Protector was decreased
- Sunblade Protector - spawn added
Black Temple
- Coilskar Sea-Caller - fixed movement while patrolling
- Aqueous Lord - fixed movement
- Illidari Fearbringer - fixed movement, spawns added
- Illidari Boneslicer - fixed movement while patrolling
- Illidari Defiler - fixed movement while patrolling
- Ashtongue Battlelord - fixed movement while patrolling, loot added
- Ashtongue Stormcaller - added loot
- Ashtongue Primalist - added loot
- Ashtongue Stalker - added loot
- Ashtongue Mystic - added loot
- Shadowmoon Houndmaster -second patrol now has two mobs
- Shadowmoon War Hound - now wolves roam while out of combat
- Shadowmoon Champion - spawn added
- Hand of Gorefiend - added stances when out of combat
- Mutant War Hound - loot fixed, spawns added
- Fixed positions of most mobs between bosses Gurtogg Bloodboil and Essence of Suffering
- Bonechewer Behemoth - fixed movement route in the room in front of boss Gurtogg Bloodboil
- Enslaved Servant - added driving routes
- Sister of Pain - added a movement route for one of packs, fixed movement for all others
- Priestess of Dementia - can now be pull without Priestess of Delight
- Priestess of Delight - loot added
- Promenade Sentinel - speed increased, fixed movement route for a pack before Illidari Council
- Fixed positions of most mobs in front of Illidari Council
- Illidari Blood Lord - fixed AI
- Maiev Shadowsong - added missing voiceovers, completed Illidan's death scene
Hyjal Summit
- Personal recipes in loot will now be visible only to owners of corresponding profession
Gruul's Lair
- Lair Brute - fixed AI
- Gronn-Priest - AI improved
- Phantom Stagehand - slightly increased drop chance for Formula: Enchant Boots - Surefooted
- C'Thun - added interrupt and disarm immunity. Increased distance to allow attack in meele. Fixed bug report #5637
Molten Core
Hellfire Ramparts
- Bonechewer Hungerer - loot added hor heroic. Fixed bug report #5524
- Githyiss the Vile - AI added
- Timberling Bark Ripper - AI improved
- Timberling Trampler - AI improved
- Timberling Mire Beast - AI improved
- Elder Timberling - AI fixed
- Gnarlpine Mystic - AI added
- Gnarlpine Warrior - AI added
- Gnarlpine Shaman - AI improved
- Gnarlpine Augur - AI improved
- Gnarlpine Avenger - AI improved
- Gnarlpine Pathfinder - AI improved
- Gnarlpine Totemic - AI improved
- Gnarlpine Instigator - added to world
- Moon Priestess Amara - added armor and movement in group
- Huntress Nhemai - added armor
- Huntress Yaeliura - added armor
- Ursal the Mauler - AI improved
- Enslaved Druid of the Talon - added rescue scene, loot removed
- Ferocitas the Dream Eater - AI improved
- Lord Melenas - fixed AI
- Lady Sathrah - added possible spawn point
- Rageclaw - AI improved
- Lunaclaw - AI improved
- Lagoon Walker - fixed spell Moss Covered Feet
- Sathrah's Sacrifice - added a scene after completing the quest
- The Glowing Fruit - added a scene after completing the quest
- Pattern: Swiftheal Mantle - fixed drop. Fixed bug report #5632
- Ghost Mushroom - increased chance of spawning in location The Hinterlands. Fixed bug report #5466
- Cache of the Shattered Sun - slightly increased recipe drop rate
- The number of possible spawns of grass and ore in locations Shadowmoon Valley, Blade's Edge Mountains and Netherstorm has been increased by 20%
Changes for Easy x100