Update list #36
Moonwell x100 changes:
- Appearance of starting mount was changed
- New characters get "Novice Chests" when created, which partially help to solve the problem of a large difference in the rates for experience and drop
- Visual update for Shattrath City! All custom NPCs are now in one place, objects have been added for better perception
- Changed the spawn starting point when teleporting to Shattrath, Orgrimmar and Stormwind through portals
- Changed size of starting bags from 10 slots to 14
- Removed the limit on the purchase of recipes for professions from sellers
- The number of herbs, ore and fish pools in world has been doubled
- Changing some game messages
- Minor fixes / changes to some items
- Auctioneer added to Shattrath City
- Corpses of normal creatures now disappear after five minutes, instead of one
- If you kill the same player in BG more than 10 times, you will no longer receive badges for him