Update list #55.6
- Fix for boss Ambassador Hellmaw, which would crash server under certain conditions when taunting.
- Added missing Naxxramas destination to the Loremin teleporter NPC.
- If there is a Rogue in a group, the maximum capacity of dungeons is increased by 1. That is, if the maximum capacity of a Sunwell is 10 players, then if there is a Rogue, it will increase to 11. Now it is beneficial for any raid to have at least one horn in the group.
- Any boss is now guaranteed drops one random custom chest.
- Added a Ghost Chest to creature loot.
- The Ghost Key has been removed from all bosses in Naxxramas. It should have been deleted after creating quest, but this was not done by mistake.
- Added a pumpkin to all bosses head!