Update list #58.3
Premium account:
- Added additional bonuses for Premium accounts: honor/arena points gain increased by 25%, Dragonhawk mount, and a 10% chance to return a used key after opening a custom chest (Raid, Antique, Ghost, etc.).
- Premium account prices have been changed.
- Premium account scrolls disappear if they are not activated within 3 days.
- "Fast Start" service no longer includes 7-day premium bonus.
Other updates:
- Custom chests can no longer be opened if there is no free slot in inventory.
- Guild House auction winners can purchase the Blue Qiraji Resonating Crystal with no restrictions.
- Removed NPC models sitting on mounts in Shattrath City center. Now each mount has its own name.
- Changed creature names and item names affected by the update.
All players need to delete the Cache folder in the game directory after restart!