Moonwell x100
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Update list #40

Moonwell x100 updates:
  • Shadowcloth, Primal Might, Earthstorm Diamond, Skyfire Diamond, Primal Mooncloth and Spellcloth are now crafted in x2 amount, other less significant reagents are crafted in x5 amount.
  • After dying on BG, you can receive BOJ fragments for 10 seconds.
  • Reset time for dungeons now is blizzlike - 7 days (was 3.5)
  • Arena matches are no longer available from 2 am to 9 am (GMT +3).
  • Battles on BG are no longer available from 4 am to 9 am (GMT +3).

Updates for Moonwell x100 and Moonwell x3:
  • Changed message announce when new BG starts, added localization.
  • Solo 3v3 arena team is no longer removed when the character is deleted.
  • Alterac Valley now starts once every day between 20:00 and 23:00 for 2 hours.
  • When you receive a sufficient number of reports in a single 3v3 arena (.report), a debuff is applied, which does not allow you to register on a 3v3 arena anymore for 24 hours.
  • The time for looting killed creatures of a level higher than usual in dungeons has been increased by 4 times. For example, Kael'thas (the last boss of MGT) is an elite creature, and with the standard settings, his corpse disappears after being killed after 5 minutes, and now it will disappear after 20 minutes.
  • The Moonkin form is now automatically removed when calling custom mounts.
  • Druid in bird form will no longer land in mid-air when logged out.

Guild announcements
  • Guilds can send a recruitment announcement to the entire server using the ".guild announce" command. The message sent using this command will be highlighted in a special color in the chat, which will attract much more attention than a regular message in the LFG! To turn off the display of guild announcements use the ".account gann" command.